Toxic People: 10 Things They Do That Suck The Life Out Of You


1. They dont listen to you. Theyre only interested in getting their point across and being so they never truly listen to what you have to say even if its urgent or important.

2. They think theyre better than you. Toxic people have a way of making you feel like youll never be as good as they are. They continue to say or do things that make you feel small or inadequate just so they can feel better about themselves.

3. They dont respect you. They discount your opinion and your point of view. They dont try to support your decisions or your dreams. They have double standards and they don’t let you get away with things they normally get away with because they feel to do so. They often deem themselves more respectable than you.

4. Theyre manipulative. Toxic people are really skilled when it comes to making you feel guilty for things you didnt do or twisting your words and your actions to make you look like the bad guy or accuse you of something you didn’t do. They know how to make it sound like you’re the delusional one.

5. Theres no winning with them. Once they make up their mind about something, you cant really convince them otherwise. Theyll never put themselves in your shoes or try to understand where youre coming from because they lack empathy and they dont care about what anyone thinks as long as theyre satisfied.

6. Theyre very selfishand self-absorbed. Toxic people think the world revolves around them, so everything is either about them or its not important. Once they feel like someone else is getting more attention, theyll make a scene or cause a commotion just to revert the attention back to them.

7. They dont celebrate with you. They remember your failures and your losses very well but they never celebrate your accomplishments with you.

8. They play the victim. When toxic people are cornered, or proven wrong, theyll often play the victim and start blaming others for their mistakes or their loss of temper because theyre never wrong.

9. They dont bring out the best in you. When youre around them, youre different, you cant be yourself because they will always provoke you or find ways to bring you down, so you either have to be very careful with what you say or stay quiet because they only hear themselves anyway.

10. Youre happier without them. Do they suck the energy out of you? Do they ruin your day? Do they make your life more difficult? These are all signs that these people are not a good fit for you or your life and they dont to your happiness or your growth. They only bring pain and drama.

Eliminating the toxic people in your life will not only make your life better, it will also make you discover more great things about yourself that you subconsciously to keep these toxic people happy.

It all starts with realizing who the toxic people in your life are and what kind of influence they have on you then you can start setting boundaries and protecting yourself from their energy that sucks the life out of you.

Rania Naim is a poet and author of the new book , available here.

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