10 Ways To Survive Wedding Season When You’re The Perpetual Bridesmaid


I’ve been a bride, and I’ve been a bridesmaid. I was blessed to have an awesome group of ladies standing by my side on my big period. On both sides, I’ve experienced highs and lows( including my personal instants where I let the stress of everything there is get the best of me ).

As a bridesmaid, it’s the main responsibilities to be there for the bride. You have to help her in any way you can and make sure she has an enjoyable experience in all areas of the entire process.

So, before she mentions I do and before “theyre saying” I will to being a bridesmaid make sure you take note of these 10 tips 😛 TAGEND

1. Remember it’s not about you.

Yes, you will slay and are beautiful on that day. You’ll have some great makeup on, and you too may walk down the very aisle the bride will stroll down.

But don’t forget that it’s not about you. It’s her period and her time to glitter. Maintain this in psyche in everything you do.

2. Don’t forgotten your title. Lend a helping hand.

Try to be proactive and ask the bride if there’s anything you can do to help. Even if you live in another state, there are things you can do.

When one of my friends was getting married and I was living in another state, I still helped research decorative items and costs for her online. If you can’t do as much in the time leading up to the wedding, at the least have undertaken to doing what what you can on the day of the wedding.

You canoffer to get food for the other bridesmaids, run last-minute errands, help with the setup or clean up for the wedding.

3. Don’t try to take over or force your opinion on the bride.

It’seasy for us to try to tell future brides what they should or shouldn’t be doing. But our opinions should only be offered when they’re solicited.

Maybe you prefer a more intimate wedding, a greater wedding or even a destination wedding. That’s entirely fine. You can do all of that when it’s your turn.

But for now, let the bride do whatever she wants to do. Remember: She’s planning the wedding of her dreamings , not your dreams.

4. Don’t overwhelm the bride with too many questions.

Where is the wedding? What period is the rehearsal? What kind of shoes should I wear? What period is the wedding?

Unless you’ve been a bride, you can only imagine the number of questions that “re coming” from all sides: parents, household, friends, wedding planners, etc.

So try to remember that before “youre starting” bombarding the bride with a ton of questions. One less topic for her could intend one less thing she has to worry about.

Side note for the bride: Create a website, or send friendly email reminders that include commonly asked questions and answers. Then, as the wedding draws closer, consider empowering someone like your maid of honor or wedding coordinator with this information. Direct people with questions to either the person or persons you’ve choice or your website.

5. Shield the bride from any unnecessary personal and behind-the-scenes drama.

There is good enough small-scale burns the bride is also necessary to put out or is being dealt with before and during the actual period. The last thing she’ll want to do is worry about which bridesmaid is arguing with another, which bridesmaid doesn’t like her dress or which bridesmaid has arrived late to the wedding.

6. Don’t be “that girl.”

Don’t be the girl who’s ever late, ever grumbling, ever depicting up with an attitude or ever making hassle for everyone else around her.Yes, you may have to interact with people you aren’t as cool or close with. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to confront them and deal with your issues.

At the end, you don’t want to be the one person who’s making things harder on the bride.

7. If you’re not certain you are able to fulfill your obligations, be honest from the beginning.

One thing I know for certain is being a bridesmaid requires a unique situate of sacrifices that are linked to period, resources and specially finances. Whether it’s due to financial or period issues, be honest upfront, even if it means you have to decline the request.

Besides, you don’t want to end up a bitter bridesmaid. I had someone tell me she couldn’t be a bridesmaid for some of similar reasons, and the circumstances were beyond her control.

Ultimately, my husband and I had to construct some changes. But “its been” early enough that it didn’t truly affect anything. Plus, I understand that life happens.

8. Don’t wait until the last minute to ordering your dress.

This is one of the most effective ways you can stay on the bride’s good side and eliminate unnecessary stress. It’s likely she will be checking online or calling the store anyway to check and see who has or hasn’t ordered her dress.

Always take into account the length of time it may take for modifications. Be sure to plan ahead.

9. If you’re going to give a toast at the reception, try to prepare your speech beforehand.

Unless you’re great at speaking from recollection, save yourself the shame of stumbling over your words or saying things that could be totally inappropriate or humiliating for everyone involved( including yourself ).

10. Be patient with the bride.

Managing life can be tough enough, and planning a wedding on top of everything else merely adds more stress to the plate. I can own up and say that even though I wasn’t a bridezilla per se, I definitely had stressful instants where I unfortunately took my annoyances out on others.

So, there may be hours when you might have to put up with a bridezilla and utilize a little more patience than usual. But keep in mind that it’s only temporary.

This article was originally published onthe author’s personal blog .

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