There are no adversities, beauties and frustrations like those that arising as a result of the experience of black womanhood.
With the permeating nature of misogynoir discovered everywhere from reality TV to the lack of media coverage aroundmissing black daughters in Washington , D.C. it can be difficult to remember just how exceptional we are.
So in honour of World Poetry Day and the absurdly moving nature of spoken word, weve collected a few lyrics that lay out exactly what builds black women so dynamic. These lyrics are essentially a reminder that were the s ** t.
Disclaimer: Some of the following lyrics contain profanity . em>
1. This Woman, Alysia Harris
2. P *** y Poem, Jasmine Williams
3. 10 Things I Want To Tell To A Black Woman, Joshua Bennett
4. For Ladies Who Are Difficult To Love, Warsan Shire
5. A Message to Women, Reyna Biddy
6. Black Girl Magic, Shasparay Lighteard
7. Black Girl Blues, Masterpiece Poet
8. “Black Girls Be Boxing, ” Stella Binion
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