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How many multiple orgasms can a man actually have? | Fox News


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The topic : Is it was feasible for guys to have multiple orgasms? Or are they really a one-and-done phenomenon?

The expert : Ava Cadell, Ph.D ., a Los Angeles sexologist and writer of NeuroLoveology: The Power to Mindful Love& Sex .

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The verdict : Yes, yes, yes, guys can! But it involves knowing( and feeling) discrepancies between 1) orgasm and 2) ejaculation.

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“The orgasm is the part of the sex experience that happens between two and seven seconds before ejaculation. It blends an increase in full-body sensitivity, quickening of breath, and a flood of excitements through the scrotum and penis, ” Cadell mentions. “Ejaculation is the final step of stimulant and involves the freeing of semen, as well as the neurotransmitters that will send the body into ‘rest and recovery mode, ‘ or the refractory period.”

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And, as you know, once you reach that refractory period, you’re down and outat least for a little while. That’s why becoming multi-orgasmic means more amusement for the both of you: You can go longer. And when you let yourself reach your final peak, it’s stronger than ever.

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While it’s not certain exactly how many Os a guy can have before he pops, Cadell says that during their studies, Lords and Johnson( what Showtime’s Masters of Sex is based on) found one boy who could achieve three orgasms in only 10 minutes. Talk about intense.

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Want to up your O factor? As “youre feeling” yourself approaching “the point of no return, ” clench your PC muscles, the same muscles used to stop the flow of urine. If you time it right( it’s all trial and error ), you should be able to stop yourself from ejaculating but still experience an orgasm in all its glory.

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Then repeatand repeatand repeat

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