5 Important Tips To Keep In Mind When Mixing Marijuana With Your Sex Life


Have you ever weed whammed before? Or, as normal people call it, masturbated while high? No? Just me?

Well, if you haven’t partaken of this stellar and free American pastime, allow me to enlightened you: Being high while getting off is truly one of the most freeing sensations of this life.

In those shining moments, I’m able to truly let go of the Catholic guilt I was brought up under and just enjoy myself. I’m not mentioning I need to be high to enjoy myself in bed. Just like I don’t need to be high to enjoy cinnamon twistings and nacho cheese.

Of six stoner pals I asked, all admitted that weed at one time or another had played a significant part in their sexuality lives. For one lady friend, marijuana was integral to a year of incredible high sexuality with her hot boyfriend.

A guy friend at the other end of the spectrum expended a year jerking off on his sofa between bong reaches because weed attained his girlfriend sleepy and not frisky.

Everyone is trying to get high AF before they f* ck, because it’s awesome, but THC can rile you up for a roll in the sheets, or it can kill your libido like a motherf* cker.

On the one hand, Mira Gonzalez( my personal favorite f* ckboi) drank a bottle of weed lube and told the tale of a living hell. On the other hand, I’ve received more than one emergency text asking, Is it normal for me to be this high and horny?

I’m here to tell you it is.

Women and weed

The correlation between the female libido and smoking weed is the grist of stoner legend. Not only does the THC raise a woman’s drive to have sex, tells accepted lighted wise, it also heightens her sex experience.

Meaning, after a little dab or two, a female object of affection may in fact be more likely to want to have sex with you! Also, she’ll likely enjoy it more than she typically pretends to!

According to TheWeedBlog 😛 TAGEND

With a life that is bombarded by bills, responsibilities and period constraints; many psychologists believe that it is these life stressors which rob girls of a healthy sexuality life.

Weed usually provides a de-stressing outlet, which can allow participants to set aside outside factors and be more sexually present. Nonetheless, hard data establishing a direct correlation between marijuana and enhancing female libido is scant to nonexistent.

Unfortunately, the few analyses conducted about jackpot and boning appears to have been commissioned by agents of the patriarchy, mainly focusing on how testosterone levels are elevated or lowered by THC.

Men and weed

Even for men, the sexuality and THC connection is less than black and white. A study conducted 40 years ago found that males who smoke weed given the opportunity to experience a decrease in testosterone levels by half.

However, ina 2003 weed-use survey of 104 Canadian humen, almost 40 percentage reported that smoking weed ever increased their libido. An additional 30 percentage said it “almost always” increased their libido.

Beyond that, throughout my research, laymen( the everyday dude) reported seeming exceedingly horny after smoking weed. It is clear that some special relationship must exist between marijuana andan advocate to cope naked in the bedroom.

Before you get too excited, consider a 2009 investigate that retraces a direct correlation between smoking weed and prematurely ejaculating .The three male pals asked about this issue seemed unembarrassed to admit that sometimes weed spurrings them into such a heightened body-and-head space, they can’t last as long as they usually do.

Whether this early-pop syndrome is related to testosterone levels or a lower of sex inhibition is unclear. What is certain, and worth taking with you, is the 67 percent of people polled informally by Psychology Today who claimed that weed vastly improved their performance in the sheets.

Indica vs. Sativa

It’s a debate as old as Pineapple Express ( the movie) between stoners: Sativa or Indica? One will build you think that opening up a Hello Kitty Ice Cream shop is a good idea. The other will build you feel 100 pounds of boulders in your shoes whenever you try to stand up. But which will build you more horny?

According to a2002 study from the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , weed’s effects on the endocrine system are undeniable. The endocrine system, as defined by Live Science, is a “collection of glands that make hormones that govern metabolism, growing and growing, tissue role, sex role, reproduction, sleep, and feeling, among other things.”

In other terms, the perfect system to partner with a weed that was bred to get you out of your brain and into your autonomous roles. This assumption was confirmed by six out of six pals I spoke to: All six preferred indica before getting off.

When dosed properly, indica, more of a body high, can heighten your physical sensations during sexuality. On the other hand, sativa helps heighten the sex shenanigans in your brain and, consumers report, can be like a melding between mind and genitals.

Common-sense extrapolation been shown that hybrid mixes such as Pink Kush and Island Sweet Skunk may render superior makes for f* cking while smoking. Maintain in mind that only a hitting or two will do. Both strainings are potent.

Edibles and your sexuality life

Like any edible experience, the key to seeing sex bliss from a weed brownie is dosage. The chances of overdoing it are high.

From MerryJane 😛 TAGEND

The challenge with marijuana and sexunless you’re a veteran consumer who knows the effects of the strainyou won’t know if you had too much until it’s too late.

Essentially, if you’re going to f* ck on edibles, take a few nibbles then get to foreplay. If you must eat an entire Green Hornet, prepare to be couch-lockedTand not playing any couch ball.

Play safe, stoners

A 2009 Australian study on sex behaviour found that men and women who eaten cannabis had a doubling of the likelihood of reporting two or more partners.

And even though where two is company, three is an emergent trend, stacking partners can increase the chances of opening your eyes adjacent to the genitals of someone depressing.

So , not to be a sad sack, there is a notion that smoking weed before sexuality may put you at potentially higher hazard of considering off-menu sex acts. But, unless you’re mixing cannabis with meth, chances are your load will pop before you act out.

This post was originally writes to Shawn Binder forThe Kind .

Read more here: http :// www.elitedaily.com