10 Things That Drive Your Husband Totally Crazy


1. He detests when you hurl him under the bus in public .

When you point out his flaws, blame or correct him, you build him feel like an moronic in front of othersand thats humiliating. Dont embarrassed him in any way( especially in front of your children ). Would you want him to do that to you?

2. He detests when you remind him of his past failings .

Its something that was settled long ago( or maybe just last week ), and you merely cant seem to let it go. Weve all failed. Let run of things that have already been operated through and decided. If there are unresolved issues that were never dealt with biblically, dont bring them up as a bully club, but take steps to graciously resolve them and move on!

3. He dislikes when you unload on him as soon as he walks in the door .

One thing I cant stress to spouses enoughHUG your boy when he comes in from work !! Greet him with a kiss and some love! Give him an encouraging words and hold off on letting him know what a tough time youve had. Hes had a long period( I know you have as well, but Im not talking to him, Im talking to you ). Hes been hit with challenges that you havent faced, and perhaps fought combats youll never know about. Be what makes it all worth coming home to.

4. He dislikes when you expect him to be just like your girlfriend .

Hes likely not a crafter or a scrapbooker or a fan of spending five hours at the mall. An afternoon in the fingernail salon is probably not his idea of fun. Hes not going to communicate with you like your best friend or want to know the complete story you want to tell. Down to the Very. Last. Detail. Appreciate him for being a man and leave the girl-stuff to your daughters friends.

5. He detests when you expect him to read your intellect .

Just tell him. Please just tell him. Dont play those mind plays where youre thinking: If he really loved me, hed are well aware that I crave him to( fill in the blank) and I wouldnt have to tell him! Your spouse will be so grateful if youll ditch the mind-reading play and merely have some honest and gracious communication.

6. He detests when you treat him like your child .

Men are well aware that they dont reckon like we do. They know that it can be challenging to measure up to our expectancies or longings. When they forget to close the lid on the lavatory, its not because they wishes to rile us. When they take the long itinerary since they are forgot the right exit, its not because they want to burn that extra gas. When we talk to our husbands in the same tint we would use with most children, it is disrespectful. Disrespectful. Period.And thats a sin.

7. He dislikes when you unload the big guns at 11 p.m .

Dont wait until bedtime to bring up a topic of discussion that has the potential to throw the two of you on opposites of an all out combat until near daybreak. If you need to have a conversation that has the potential for major conflict or feeling, do it early in the evening( or perhaps save it for a morning when hes home ). Respect his need to get some rest.

8. He detests when you compare him to that perfect guy at church .

Your husband may not seem as spiritual, may not treat you the same way you see that perfect guy treat his wife, he may not audio as knowledgeable, or seem as interested in the sermon, but your husband likely has some worthy qualities that you may be missing because youre so focused on what hes not. Discontinue comparing him to other menwhat good can come from you doing that? Why not ask God to open your eyes to watch things that youve not yet realized about him?

9. He detests when you give him the silent treatment .

Whenever you use the silent treatment to manipulate him, it harms both of you. The silent treatment is a hostile penalty tool. Dont stimulate things most difficult by clamming up or stuffing your fury. If youre hurt or angry, first go to God and ask Him to search your heart to see if the anger is righteous, or if there is some offense that needs to be discussed. Talk it out with your spouse. Be honest and humble in your communication and rememberhes not your enemy!

10. He detests “if youre using” sex as a weapon .

The gift of sexual friendship is to be an expression of unselfish enjoy. Its a physical show of spiritual unity.Dont withhold yourselfto punish your spouse and dont utilize your intimacy as a bribing technique. Notice, Im not telling allow your spouse to mistreat you or demand your sexual attentionsexual friendship is meant to be an expression of unselfish adoration from both spouses, but Im not talking to the husband today, Im talking to us. Honor your marriage bed as sacred and love your spouse well.

Have I voiced harsh today? I hope not, I just know how easy it is to slip into a disrespectful stance that morphs into ugly treatment of those we love most and Im challenging all of us today to set aside any of these things that are a common tendency in matrimony. Common, but so destructive. And they are so not God exalting!

The reason for this blunt post is that I care for you. My husband and I invested many years in a miserable country. Im ashamed is to say that I was guilty of several of the points I listed above. You can watch ourmarriage video here. It might be helpful for you and your spouse to watch our story together.

** Such articles originally appeared on KimberlyWagner.org .

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