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Tips on how to stop a cramp from a US Olympic triathlete | Fox News


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Cramps are terrible. Even the word is awfulit’s dismal and clunky and sounds funny when said by people in Chicagoso it’s kind of a perfect descriptor for when your muscles stiffen but don’t have enough ga or heart to loosen back to their original happy nation. The good news is: If you’re a reasonably standard-workout workout kind of guy, a regular supply of sea and electrolytes should keep your system in solid working order.

Still, there are workouts and there are workouts . So we asked American triathlete Greg Billington about his tips-off for avoiding cramping during the course of its grueling practises. Billington, who grew up on RAF Lakenheath Air Force Base in the UK, has stimulated eight Elite Triathlon World Championship Teams since 2006 and is currently resulting the U.S. Men’s Olympic qualifications. His current hobbies include sweating profusely and preparing to sweat some more.

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How often do you deal with muscle aches?
Do you want to know what a cramp is? A cramp is your body’s style of telling “You’re soft, out of shape, feed incorrect, and need to harden the hell up.” In that vein, I deal with aches the working day, every day: I feed raw, teach like live animals, and have sharpened my body into a finely tuned machine that shakes off aches like a T aylor Swift song.

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What kind of preliminary steps do you take to ensure proper hydration and electrolyte balances?
Preliminary steps consist of not feeing like a donkey. Unless, of course, that donkey builds sure to drink an additional 500 ml to 1 liter of sea per hour of exercising in the heat, preloads with extra sodium( i.e ., salts his food like it’s about to freeze over) for hot conferences or races, and consumes 250 calories per hour of exercising. If that donkey could also calculate his sweat rate and experiment with different high levels of electrolyte intakechecking how much sodium and potassium was consumed during exercising until cramping ceased, then I guess it would be okay to feed like that donkey.

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In general, how long are your median training sessions?
How long does it take to aircraft greatness? An hour? Two? Five? A lifetime? My conferences have lasted a lifetime.

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If you do suffer muscle aches during a race, what’s the protocol for treatment and recovery?
Guess what I call the guy stopped by the side of the road stretching out his cramped calf? Nothing. I’ll have picked up my medal and be driving home before he even determines the finishing line. If you cramp in a race, the conventional advice is to stop, gently stretching, massage, rehydrate with electrolytes. But if you’re going for the W you better be prepared for some character-building, mind-over-matter miles.

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Is this something you’re concerned with often, or is it more part of your daily routine?
If has become a crampless jock countings, then I’d say it’s only “peoples lives” I live.

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Have you ever had a particularly bad or nasty muscle cramp situation ?

Yeah, and then I turned 10 and chose I was does so with that condone. “I cramped” is just another way of telling “I didn’t prepare.”

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