How Much Of An Elitist Are You?


Admit it…it can feel good to know you’re better than other people.

  1. ThinkStock
    1. 1 ✓ Refused to eat at a chain restaurant.
    2. 2 ✓ Insisted on only eating ethnic cuisine when it’s “authentic.”
    3. 3 ✓ Judged someone by what’s on their bookshelves.
    4. 4 ✓ Judged someone for not having bookshelves.
    5. 5 ✓ Looked down on someone for liking music that wasn’t cool or too popular.
    6. 6 ✓ Rolled your eyes at people for being into action, sci-fi, horror, or superhero movies.
    7. 7 ✓ Complained about Hollywood making too many sequels.
    8. 8 ✓ Claimed you were suffering from “blockbuster fatigue.”
    9. 9 ✓ Bragged about not having a television.
    10. 10 ✓ Made a point of letting people know you’re not on Facebook.
    11. 11 ✓ Refused to get a Twitter account.
    12. 12 ✓ Refused to get an Instagram account.
    13. 13 ✓ Refused to get a Vine account.
    14. 14 ✓ Felt like you were too good to use an online dating service.
    15. 15 ✓ Actively thought that other people weren’t in your “league” and not attractive enough for you.
    16. 16 ✓ Made fun of someone for reading a celebrity weekly.
    17. 17 ✓ Refused to shop at a big box store like Walmart or Target.
    18. 18 ✓ Felt compelled to correct people on the tiniest spelling and grammatical errors.
    19. 19 ✓ Pitied someone because they’re only fluent in one language.
    20. 20 ✓ Felt superior to someone because you work out more often.
    21. 21 ✓ Felt superior to someone because you have a healthier diet.
    22. 22 ✓ Thought less of someone for not being an adventurous eater.
    23. 23 ✓ Thought less of someone for not being a vegetarian or vegan.
    24. 24 ✓ Looked down on people for enjoying reality tv.
    25. 25 ✓ Looked down on people for enjoying sitcoms.
    26. 26 ✓ Looked down on people for enjoying procedurals.
    27. 27 ✓ Insisted that music sounds better on vinyl than CDs or digital.
    28. 28 ✓ Judged someone for not buying local and/or organic food.
    29. 29 ✓ Refused to drink drip coffee.
    30. 30 ✓ Had a very complex default coffee order.
    31. 31 ✓ Refused to drink cheap domestic beer.
    32. 32 ✓ Insisted on only drinking top-shelf liquor.
    33. 33 ✓ Only wanted to drink “good” wine.
    34. 34 ✓ Looked down on someone for using a box mix instead of making something from scratch.
    35. 35 ✓ Been annoyed by someone taking a photo of their meal in public.
    36. 36 ✓ Made a point of saying you prefer obscure sports over baseball, basketball, and football.
    37. 37 ✓ Refused to go to a place because you think it’s “sketchy.”
    38. 38 ✓ Avoided public transportation because you think it’s gross.
    39. 39 ✓ Thought less of someone because they didn’t go to a prestigious school.
    40. 40 ✓ Judged someone for not traveling as much as you have.
    41. 41 ✓ Insisted on only buying name-brand products at the supermarket.
    42. 42 ✓ Scoffed at someone for wearing something after it has gone out of fashion.
    43. 43 ✓ Judged someone for not wearing designer clothing.
    44. 44 ✓ Rolled your eyes at someone for wearing clothes you thought were too trashy or tacky
    45. 45 ✓ Thought someone was crazy for ordering a steak or burger “well done.”
    46. 46 ✓ Looked down at someone for not being “well read.”
    47. 47 ✓ Ostentatiously used esoteric words in casual conversation.
    48. 48 ✓ Loudly expressed your disdain for lowbrow comedies.
    49. 49 ✓ Been frustrated by talking to someone who doesn’t understand your references to literature, art, or classic cinema.
    50. 50 ✓ Been irritated by someone because they don’t know how to make a cup of tea.
    51. 51 ✓ Judged someone who prefers the film adaptations of books.
    52. 52 ✓ Rolled your eyes at adults who read Young Adult fiction.
    53. 53 ✓ Made fun of someone who could not perfectly pronounce words from a language they don’t speak.
    54. 54 ✓ Made fun of someone for not being totally up on the news.
    55. 55 ✓ Made a point of telling people you think British television is better than American television.
    56. 56 ✓ Insisted on only listening to public radio.
    57. 57 ✓ Thought you were slightly superior for using Mac products.
    58. 58 ✓ Thought less of someone for being religious.
    59. 59 ✓ Thought less of someone for not being religious.
    60. 60 ✓ Made fun of someone for not having a nice car.

OK, how snobby am I?

How Much Of An Elitist Are You?

  1. You can be a bit smug and judgmental sometimes, but you’re not a total jerk. You just have good taste, you know?


  2. You’re definitely a snob, and you’re proud of your refined taste. You’re very, very good at rolling your eyes.


  3. Let’s face it, you’re a total elitist. You’re often disgusted by other people’s bad taste and lack of worldly experience. You have no qualms with making your judgments known.

  4. You’re a pretentious snob, and proud of it. You make no apologies for your exquisite taste, and why should you?


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