15+ Famous Cast Reunions That Will Make You Feel Old


When the casting of a beloved movie or TV series reunites years after the credits stop rolling, day stands still for a moment, and devotees can’t assistance but get a little emotional.

The old castmates of Lord of the Rings recently had dinner together 15 years after the release of their first cinema together, and their group selfies attained Instagram customers lose their absolute intellects. In 2014, the casting of Mean Girls broke the Internet with a photoshoot to differentiate the 10 th anniversary of their legendary drama. Whether these monumental meet-ups make your heart skip a beat, or make you feel ancient enough to be somebody’s great-grandparent, they’re a fascinating look at how the stars change over day. We’re looking at you, Lindsay Lohan.

Have a scroll through some of our favourite celeb reunions below, and try to figure out who’s older – you, or them.

#23 The Wonder Times: 1988 Vs. 2014

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