10 Ways To Make Air Travel Suck Just A Little Bit Less


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Air travel should be one of the most amazing achievements in human history. But now, jokes about airline breaches of human rights have supplanted jokes about airline food, and that’s simply the beginning. From underpaid TSA agents rolling their eyes at your every term to overbooked flights to the kind of minuscule leg room that forces your knees into your torso, flying is a fus from start to finish.

Fortunately, there’s a entire world of consumer goods designed to make air travel feel slightly less heinous. Take a look 😛 TAGEND

Aluminum Fidget Spinner

The thought of barreling through the sky at 500 mph is appropriate to induce people want to reach for a parachute before they even take off. Of course, flying is a statistically much safer experience than just about anything else you could do, but try telling that to your dumb human brain when the swim metal tube you’re sitting in starts rocking back and forth. This small, weighted spinning doll helps tranquilize your nerves by giving your hand something to do during instability besides gripping the armrests for dear life. Grab a Fidget Spinner here for $12.99.

LithiumCard Wallet Portable Charger

The mobile computing revolution has juiced up our in-flight entertainment, letting us choose from any number of dreadful Transformers movies to watch, rather than merely the one the plane gives us( Please , not Revenge Of The Fallen . Please not Revenge Of The Fallen .) But forgetting to charge up your phone in the delirium of packing can either mean several hours of look at this place a blank screen or being forced to endure the ceaseless schemes of Megatron. To guarantees to never happens, keep this portable phone charger in your wallet. It accuses devices in a jiffy and is no thicker than a stack of debit card. Get the LithiumCard charger here for $20.

Ostrich Pillow

A balled-up sweater will never make a good pillow , no matter how carefully you arrange the sleeves. This Ostrich Pillow slip-ups over your brain to give you some pleasant neck padding without constant readjustment. And for red-eye flights, it can act as a sun-blocking face mask, thanks to the adjustable drawstring. And if you’re seven, you can set it on your wrist and make a sweet Mega Man hand cannon. It’s a Swiss legion knife of comfort. You can pick up an Ostrich Pillow for $39.

TUO: The Ultimate Travel Organizer

Shoving all of your favorite T-shirts into a knapsack might have seemed like magical to the other children at scout camp, but it’s not going to cut it when you have to manage an adult-sized load of toiletries, cosmetics, and sensitive garments. This traveling organizer unfolds to help you keep track of all of your tiny product bottles and underwear. Mom is going to be so proud. Grab the TUO here for $44.50.

Nomad Ultra Rugged Charging Cables

While you might be able to snag one of the four seats underneath the machine accusing station at your gate, it won’t do you much good if all you have is an age-old, fraying cable that simply delivers power when you comprise it at the right slant and utter chants to ancient Sumerian deities. These Nomad cables are wrapped in tear-resistant PVC with a Kevlar core protecting your phone’s battery will always be able to get a refill , no matter how rugged your expedition. Pick one up here for $29.95.

iFlask Ultimate Kit

What could be more essential than a smartphone on a 14 -hour transatlantic flight? A smartphone fitted with hooch, that’s what. This i-facsimile can hold up to five shots of booze, so you can enjoy your flight with the utmost discretion. It also includes a collapsible shot glass, intending stimulating friends with the person next to you is going to get a whole lot easier. Get the iFlask for $21.95.

My Bag Buddy Expandable Carry On Bag

Whether you’re flying to China or Myrtle Beach, your buddies are going to want souvenirs. Nonetheless, stimulating room for all of your material along with novelty hermit crab mansions that look like full bikinis can be nearly impossible. This packable carry-on expands, allowing you to take home whatever foreign tchotchkes your friends want without having to sacrifice precious cargo on the flight over. You can get the My Bag Buddy Expandable Carry On Bag here for $28.99.

Zendure 40 W Max -ASeries Four-Port USB Travel Wall Charger

You’d imagine that there would be one plug to rule them all when it comes to get energy, but along with being full of different cultures, the world is full of different wall outlets. This Zendure travel charger gives you four USB ports with UK and EU adapters, letting you maintain compatibility with all of those weird foreign sockets. Pick one up for $32.95.

-AAudio Legacy Noise-Cancelling Headphones with Three-Stage Technology

Crying children, loud dialogues, and cheeky pop-culture-laden safety videos are able to silenced with some solid headphones. These cans from -AAudio go beyond passive over-ear sound containment with active noise-cancelling and bass-boosting modes. And they even come with a dual jack to let you share music with a friend. Your beaker now runneth over in aircraft friend-making tools, so if you still can’t find a seat chum, maybe it’s time to start looking inward. Get a pair of -AAudio Legacy Noise-Cancelling Headphones for $79.99.

Nut Mini Tracker

So you’re leaving your hotel for the first time to check out the city you merely landed in. You might go ensure the sights, or you might quickly buy a sandwich and pass out on the queen-sized in your room. Either is okay. But wait! Where’s your phone? Where’s your wallet? You’ll need those if you expect Running: Reuben to go as schemed. With the Nut Mini Tracker, you’ll never have to worry about any of this ever again, as it retains way of everything you’ll need to procure that tasty sandwich and get back to your room safely. Pick up one of these tiny trackers for $14.99.

You’ll need some comfy clothes before you surge through skies like Tesla: God of Thunder. Like this Owls Are Stupid shirt, so you can nobleman your powers of flight over these intellectually inferior animals .

For more ways to channel your inner Kerouac check out 10 Things That Will Help Make Traveling Suck Less .

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