10 Good Things That Happen When Your Social Media Is 100% Positive

Just as a healthy diet builds you stronger, eating positive content empowers you to lead your best life. Why not filter the negativity from your social media accounts and defined the stage for an online experience that improves your overall stance and your daily life? Weve partnered with Brita to bring you this list of the advantages that come with curating your social feeds and living The Filtered Life.

You seem happier. Decluttering your social feeds is equivalent to decluttering your intellect. Sherrie Bourg Carter, psychologist and writer, claims that clutter bombards our brains with excessive stimulations making our senses to work overtime on stimulations that aren’t necessary or important. It leaves you feeling frustrated, anxious and overwhelmed. Without the negativity clouding your feedsand, by extension, your everyday thoughtsyou will start to think more clearly. Unburdened by a constant flow of cynicism, irony, and gloominess, you will remember just how many reasons you have to smile.

Your self-esteem skyrockets. Understanding positive messages will help you feel more confident. By sharing only authentic self-love posts, uplifting memes, and articles highlighting random acts of kindness, you will start to feel better about humanity overall, including yourself. Clinical and Development Psychologist, Donna Wick, says it is proven that negative social media presence is a direct correlation to children growing up with more nervousnes and less self-esteem.

You rid yourself of unnecessary drama. Negativity and drama go hand in hand. Once you remove the toxic people from your social feeds, you wont get roped into the drama so easily. When your intellect isnt busy trying to piece together the hidden meaning behind a few subtweets or theorizing about other peoples troubles, youre free to do you 100 percent of the cases.

You attract most positive people. When you surround yourself with endless optimism, you become more positive yourself. As a make, you describe cheerful people and rewarding experiences into their own lives. The warm people will replace any emotional vampires who once robbed you of energy with their negative, draining stances. Julia Orloff, a clinical professor at UCLA, says the most positive energy we give off, the more we’ll receive.

Your productivity increases. When you focus on the good in life, you tend to become more hopeful and thus more willing to work towards your goals. Your ingenuity and productivity levels are bound to rise because youre in such a healthy state of mind.

You can breathe easier. Once you rid your social media accounts of virtual poison, your feeds transform from icy, barren lands into cocoons of caring, supportive warmth. So you can rest easy as you scroll rather than anticipating the next angry post sitting behind the next click. You will likewise start to feel more relaxed in general, and better equipped to take on lifes daily challenges.

You find yourself judging others less. In most cases, pessimistic peoplewhether theyre friends, family members, or doomsday journalistsare the type to expend a lot of period criticizing others because it builds them feel better about themselves. When you regularly absorb that type of negativity through social media, it oozes into your brain, making you to say or belief uncharacteristically awful things. Cleaning your feeds is the best behavior to avoid reducing yourself to the level of the individuals who rant and rave for athletic.

Your overall outlook improves. How many times have you looked at social media and something upsetting somehow taints your feeling? You might not even realize how much of an effect negative social posts are having on you until you eradicate them exclusively. The content you devour is impactful, so you might as well digest a healthy diet of positivity. After all, just like Ralph Waldo Emerson mentioned, For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

You express more gratitude. Without rage and bitternes inhabiting your feeds, you will start to take note of all the small but meaningful things you should be thankful for. Being positive builds you more acutely aware of how blessed you are, and, in turn, more appreciative of everything around you. Ultimately, you will seem more grateful to be alive.