5 Important Lessons My First Boyfriend Taught Me About Love


My first relationship was anything but perfect. We were from two very different backgrounds, and wanted completely different things.

Despite our flaws, it still remains to this day my longest relationship and my first serious undertaking into what true-life commitment meant.

When we broke up, it was easy in order to be allowed to distance myself from the relationship by writing it all off as a failing. Looking back now, I see that wasn’t totallyaccurate. I learned afew solid lessons about love from the three years we expended together, and they still hold true for me today.

1. Sometimes Love TakesAwhile

By the time I entered my first relationship, I had already graduated high school, turned 21, and was on my behavior to finishing up college.

To this day, I still have conflicted sensations over not dating sooner or whether I missed out on having a serious high school or undergraduateboo, but it meant that by the time my boyfriend went around, I was definitely ready to date.

Even when we met, though, we didn’t get together right off. We assured one another casually for almost six months before we built it official.

But when you’re truly ready to be with person, then it doesn’t actually matter when you get together specially if you’re looking for something that’s going to last. What’s a month or two interruption when you both are committed to investing the foreseeable future together?

I reckon at least when it comes to enjoy patience pays off.

2. Love Shouldn’tBe EmbarrassedOf You

When my boyfriend and I first got together, I was actually about to go to New York. We were long distance for alittle while, and then when I moved back to township to be with him, I necessity a place to stay. We ended up living together for a summer.

My boyfriend was from a somewhat religious family. His father was a preacher. They weren’t the type of household who envisioned people shouldshare the same space before getting married, and their position towards sexuality was squeamish at best.

Although our lifestyle at the time wasn’t actually in line with whathis parents thought was best, when they came to township, he definitelyhide all of my stuff and have me feign I wasn’t living there. When they invited him out to lunch, he likewise definitely extended an invitation along, too. When we went to visit them, even though they preferred us to sleep in separate chambers, he insisted that he was an adult and could make his own decisions, and asked them to respect him.

I’m kidding. He did the opposite of all of that. And there was definitely a lesson in there.

3. Love Will Make Room For You

I’m nostalgic about almost everything except for my first relationship. If I’m being honest, I’d tell you I was relieved when it was over and the relationship wasn’t healthy for a lot of reasons. There. Now I’ve gotten that off of my chest.

Despite his flaw, my first boyfriend definitely attained space in their own lives for me. I was never turned away from his house, and was always the first one he checked in with about plans. There was never a hour when I wouldn’t be invited along if he wanted to go out with his friends, and I could count on him to take care of my cat when I went out of town.

This hasn’t been the case for everyone I have dated, especially not when the fear of friendship comes in. I commend my first boyfriend for letting me into their own lives that much.At the time, I don’t guess I knew how brave he was being.

4. Love Isn’t Possessive

Although my boyfriend always constructed space in his life for me, I can’t say that always went both ways. It wasn’t that I didn’t crave him around I did. But sometimes I likewise just wanted to talk or hang out with my girl friends, or go outby myself.

Here’s another lesson I learned when somebody did the opposite. My boyfriend wasn’t really great about giving me my own space.

Now, there’s a fine line to stroll between to get involved in someone’s life and suffocating them, and both of us were still pretty young in the grand strategy of things. I’m sure we both would have done some things differently in our relationship.

Whereas I didn’t really obsess if “hes spent” a nighttime hanging out with his chums alone, he became concerned if I wanted to spend time with my friends by myself. He guessed there was something wrong with me fornot really caring whether or not he became close to my friends, and he was worried about me meeting person or sleeping around.

I didn’t have enough experience at the time to understand why that didn’t sit well with me. Now, it turns out, learning that love shouldn’t induce you possessive of another person’s torso, life, or sexuality isn’t something my first boyfriend taught me. It’s something I learned from that relationship, for me.

5. Love Will Surprise You

The best minute of my relationship? When my boyfriend showed up in New York unannounced to invest my birthday weekend with me.

Oh, wait. Maybe that was me, proving up on entrance to astonish him one weekend.

Another time, he did buyand assemblea bookcase for me totally out of the blue.

I envision one of the most important things in a relationship is for two people to be able to keep one another on their toes. I don’t mean being flighty about whether or not you’re going to show up or if your relationship is going to last until the next week. There needs to be a sense of stability.

Still, in my experience, enjoy thrives best when you don’t see something coming.

A few years into our relationship, we settled into a routine style before I was ready. I knew my boyfriend inside and out, and how we operatedtogether. When you’re that young, and the astounds aren’t arriving anymore, you start to find ways to stir things up. Hard as it is, splittingup is one of them.

But even when that’s happened, you know what’sthemost surprising thing about desire by far?

It maintenances coming back.

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